Today was hard for me. After visiting two classes in the morning I basically tried to stay cool. I think I had a minor case of heat exhaustion, was sick to my stomach, head achy, and sleepy. I slept in my hammock (I have a hammock in the shade on my covered porch) for a while and that helped. Pray that I will acclimate to the heat.
The school is having trouble with the Internet so it is only up for 1/2 hour each evening and is very slow. However, I want to get two pictures to you if I can . . . Just tried and the connection is very limited so I'll do my best tomorrow . . . Second try here they are; ultimately this is what makes a trip like this and the ministry of starting a school all worth it. These children just had a lesson by the tall women, Victoria, in the back on the left. She is the wife of James, a teacher at the school. She is volunteering to teach this group of kids simply because she was there and saw the need.
Tomorrow morning I'm teaching the students about Biblical leadership for Bible class. I have Henri Nouwen, In Jesus Name, along so I have good material. I'll try to get you a picture tomorrow. I also just had a great conversation for about 2 hours with Phalice. Please pray for her strength and wisdom. A female attempting to do what she is doing is unheard of. Those of you that know her know she is a trooper.
Grace and peace,
Dude...they are so cute! You should bring some of them home!!
ReplyDeleteI will pray for your adjustment to the heat.
ReplyDeleteMay God bless your work for these children.
Easy Danielle.