I am sorry that these entries have been a bit uncertain. The compound internet has been having problems again. A matter for prayer I guess! I know that you only got part of this one yesterday so have republished it.
The last two mornings I've taught Bible class. They are in the minor prophets which is not exactly a specialty of mine. Yesterday was Jonah and today was Micah. There are some amazing parallels between Micah and the Sudan.
11 In that day, Israel, your cities will be rebuilt,
and your borders will be extended.
12 Your people will return to you from everywhere -
from Assyria in the east (for the Sudan it is Ethiopia)
from Egypt in the south (for the Sudan this is Kenya)
from the region of the Euphrates (in Africa the Nile)
These people have big plans and bigger hearts to rebuild their country. The was has been very hard on them and on their land. But they have not lost heart. They are committed to doing justice, loving mercy and walking humbly with God. It is truly amazing that they would leave their families for three months at a time to come to be educated. Education is the means by which they will rebuild their country.
I was never quite able to upload the video from Sunday but here are some recent pictures.
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